前景营地 棒球

WS Champ照片


We are pleased to announce our 1-day Summer Prospect camp series for recruits in grades 9-12 as well as junior college. 这个夏令营将提供一个身临其境的体验到韦斯特蒙特棒球项目. This opportunity will provide prospective students with insight into what it means to be a Westmont Warrior!





注意: 这一天将包括现场项目测试, 完成度量数据收集, 现场防守展示和完整的混战都在拉斯卡尔球场!

Westmont很高兴通过脉冲Athletix提供新的视频和度量服务, 可以在下面的链接中找到. If you are interested in purchasing a custom video with highlight footage containing metrics, 点击页面底部的链接.


(*注意: 营员须携带钉鞋及跑鞋参加测试部分. 学校不提供午餐,所以露营者应自备午餐.)





Westmont College has the opportunity to work with 脉冲Athletix who are experts in not only video but uses the latest baseball technology for metrics as well. 《ag娱乐官网》的视频和参数成本为250美元, 位置球员300美元,双向球员350美元(投手和位置球员). 您将收到一个YouTube链接与您的指标,以便您可以发布到社交媒体.  指标包括60米的激光计时, 从你的位置出发的速度(P, 正, OF, C和pop time)和hit. Pulse Atheltix will be providing all metrics and videos to Westmont 工作人员 for further review whether you buy the package or not.  购买这个包不是强制性的, 但这是一个很好的方式来回顾你的发展和提高.   


请点击下面的链接查看您将收到的视频示例: http://youtu.be/HIzDjHlp3A0

In addition to all the above, 脉冲Athletix is building a nationwide database for coaches to access. Here they can review your video and filter by different categories to help build their programs (for purchases only): http://www.pulseathletix.com/球员

现在,视频和指标在教练的决策中扮演着比以往任何时候都重要的角色. 用你的最新参数走在他们前面是很重要的. 从2025年到2028年,大学会关注你的成长.


有任何问题请发短信/打电话给卢- 619.599.4426



“我很感激,也很谦卑,能得到布朗博士这个不可思议的机会. 毕比, 罗伯特·鲁伊斯, 以及体育管理部门领导韦斯特蒙特大学的棒球项目,斯瓦格迪斯说. "I am honored to take over for Coach Ruiz and Coach LaTorre's legacy of success with Warrior 棒球, and hope to support and grow this great tradition of building quality student-athletes that lead on and off the baseball field into the future"

Paul Svagdis takes over the Warrior baseball program as it enters into its second year of transition into NCAA Division II PacWest baseball. 我以前也经历过类似的转变, 斯瓦格迪斯教练非常熟悉前方的挑战. He is the 16th coach in Westmont 棒球 history and takes over a program that in the last several years has accomplished some amazing feats. 他带来了建立冠军文化的记录, 识别和培养优秀的大学和职业球员, 以及在项目中建立球员信心的能力. He's depth of experience and success in both NCAA Division II and 的PacWest conference will make for a seamless transition.
The veteran coach has a good deal of familiarity with NCAA Division II baseball and in particular, 的PacWest. Svagdis coached 19 years (2003-2021) at Azusa Pacific, leading the Cougars to a record of 606-349 (.635). 在阿苏萨太平洋公司工作期间, 斯瓦格迪斯培养了16名全美选手, 14名学术全美选手和8名联盟年度最佳球员. 他的美洲狮队赢得了六次常规赛冠军.
2022年,斯瓦格迪斯回到了马萨诸塞州的塔夫茨.在过去的三个赛季中,他一直担任母校的主教练. 斯瓦格迪斯带领NCAA第三赛区的巨兽队取得了80胜39负的记录。.672),并在2023年获得新英格兰小型大学体育会议冠军. 在他任职期间,有10名大个子球员入选了最佳阵容.
虽然他的简历反映了他在钻石上成功的传奇历史, 斯瓦格迪斯被驱使去指导他的学生运动员在生活的各个领域.
“我一直对教练充满热情,并将我的ag娱乐官网融入到这个过程中,斯瓦格迪斯说. “帮助年轻人理解以他人为先的价值, 以身作则, 并期望自己做到最好, 我希望所有的价值观都能继续融入到玩家的发展中吗."
在他28年的历史中, Svagdis' teams have won nine regular-season conference titles and he has earned eight conference Coach of the Year awards. 他带领他的球队参加了七次NCAA地区赛和五次NAIA锦标赛, 包括2007年和2008年阿苏萨太平洋队,他们晋级了NAIA世界大赛. 斯瓦格迪斯执教过超过35名被美国职业棒球大联盟球队选中的球员, 包括两届全明星,现任克利夫兰守护者队经理, 斯蒂芬·沃格特.

伊利亚·翁蒂维罗斯在韦斯特蒙特学院开始了他的教练生涯, 2017年从加州大学戴维斯分校毕业后. 他目前正在加州州立大学攻读运动机能学硕士学位, 北岭, 专攻生物力学. Entering into his eighth season with the Warrior program and his third with Coach LaTorre at the helm. Elijah has been tasked with working with the catchers and leading the program’s recruiting efforts.

在他工作的八年里, Ontiveros helped coach Westmont to six NAIA Opening Round Tournament appearances and navigate the transition to NCAA Division II. In 2024, Westmont would set the threshold moving forward for it's time in Division II and 的PacWest Conference, 以33-15-3的成绩获得第二名. 

In 2023, the team would break the single season wins record streak on the way to winning the National Championship and finished for 1st in the Golden State Athletic Conference regular season. 勇士队将主场迎战全国排名第一的对手本尼迪克特梅萨和不列颠哥伦比亚. The 2023 Warrior squad would claim the World Series title by taking down national powerhouse Lewis and Clark State in their 首页 field. The final out made by Gabe Arteaga saw the Westmont Warriors the victors with a final score of 7-6.

作为教练, Ontiveros说, “I try to create a stimulating environment that is constructive and challenging that allows for the 球员 I work with to not only develop but learn and grow at the same time. 我最喜欢这份工作的部分是看到球员们不仅在球场上成长, 但在课堂上和精神上也是如此. I am grateful for the opportunity that I am given as a coach to see that growth and development take place.”


Greg Venzor从2008年开始担任助理教练. His primary responsibilities include working with the outfielders as well as coaching first base.

“我们很幸运能参加比赛,我们被赋予的天赋不是我们的, 都是从神那里借来的,文佐说. “我想帮助球队把上帝放在第一位,培养比赛的精神层面. 我想为这个项目带来稳定. 我喜欢这里的气氛,我喜欢这里的校园. 我喜欢这样一个事实,你可以在韦斯特蒙大学获得良好的基督教背景教育. 能在这里执教是我的荣幸."

















Rich Hubbard entered into his second year as the Westmont 棒球 Program's pitching coach returning to right where it left off in 2023. The Westmont Warrior pitching staff would lead 的PacWest conference in strikeouts and opponent batting average with a .268. His pitching staff would feature 4 All-Conference pitchers and 2 Western Region pitchers as well. 

Coach Hubbard's joined the Westmont staff after four seasons as the Director of Pitching Development with the NCAA Division I Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets under head coach Danny Hall. 在他担任勇士队投手教练的第一年, he saw the Warriors rank in the top-ten in several different pitching categories within the NAIA, 带领这个项目首次获得NAIA全国冠军.

在理工学院时, 夹克队是两届ACC沿海赛区冠军(2019年), 2021), 并赢得了连续三届NCAA一级地区锦标赛的席位. The Yellow Jackets burst back on to the national scene in 2019 winning 43 games and earning the number three national seed, 主办2019年NCAA亚特兰大地区. 2021年和2022年, Georgia Tech finished as NCAA Division I Regional runners-up to Vanderbilt University and top-seeded Tennessee respectively. 在他六年的职业生涯中,哈伯德已经指导了70多个美国职业棒球大联盟的选秀.

Hubbard has also served as pitching coach with the Santa Barbara Foresters for the last four seasons, 赢得全国棒球大会世界大赛三连冠. 在哈伯德, the 2022 Forester pitching staff earned the Best Team Pitching Award for the third straight year and held the California Collegiate Leagues lowest ERA for an equal span. 在2022年,与哈伯德一起的9名前森林人在MLB选秀中被选中.



星期六,2024年6月15日 (*试探性的)

上午8:30 -球员登记

上午9:00 -营地介绍

上午9:15 - 1队混战/ 2队校园参观和数据收集

Team 1                                                                                     Team 2

上午9:30 -进进出出防守展示                      上午9:15 -参观校园

上午9:45 -第一次投球                                                       上午10:30 -活动 & 数据收集

中午12:30 -午餐                                                         中午12:00 -午餐

下午1:00 -校园                                                       下午12:30 -活动/投掷

下午2:15——活跃 & 数据收集                            下午12:45 -进进出出防守展示


下午4点-解散小组1 & 2



走101向北,在橄榄磨坊路出口. 右转到橄榄磨坊,然后左转到温泉路. 右转到梧桐峡谷路,然后在冷泉路右转. You may use the lower entrance on Cold Spring Road for the observatory and the athletic fields. 对于校园的其他大部分区域来说, 继续沿着冷泉路走, 在拉巴斯路左转,穿过韦斯特蒙特的正门. 校园及停车场地图

往南走101路,在94B号出口(海岸村路出口-左出口). Turn left onto East Cabrillo Road, go through the roundabout and continue north on Hot Springs Road. 左转到梧桐峡谷路,右转到冷泉路. You may use the lower entrance on Cold Spring Road for the observatory and the athletic fields. 对于校园的其他大部分区域来说, 继续沿着冷泉路走, 在拉巴斯路左转,穿过韦斯特蒙特的正门. 校园及停车场地图